
{Clean} Chicken Salad

I have about eight drafts of blog posts just sitting, half-written, waiting to be finished and posted. We are well into Fall now, in the middle of November as a matter of fact. And that is pretty incredible to think about. When I look back to a year ago on the blog, there was also a month-ish where there were no new posts. Why? I've been trying to figure that out myself. School, maybe? But, that's neither here nor there.

With the holidays literally around the corner, I wanted to share some of my favorite CLEAN recipes, because I know many of us will be enjoying some not-so-clean ones very soon and may be looking to offset the overeating by some clean eating. One thing I love to do is to take recipes and meals that I enjoy eating and changing a few things to make them (1) still edible and (2) cleaner. I grew up eating chicken salad. My mom made the BEST chicken salad. Hubby also LOVES chicken salad, but unfortunately, just because something has chicken in it doesn't make it healthy. However, I want to share a SIMPLE, and guilt-free, chicken salad recipe with you.

{Clean} Chicken Salad
2 cups cooked chicken, shredded with fork
1 cup plain greek yogurt
½ cup grapes, halved
2 teaspoons Mrs. Dash’s Original Seasoning (or other seasoning)
Dash of salt
¼ cup walnuts (optional)

Mix all ingredients together, and serve over a bed of lettuce or on whole grain bread with a side of fruit.


Fall Favorites | Shoes