
Fitness Challenge || Closing Ceremonies

I know you have all been waiting for this moment for a little more than five weeks now. Well, it's finally here, and I am going to give you all of the answers you are looking for...

Did the challenge end?
Yes! Thank goodness! (just kidding) The challenge was only five weeks long, and I say "only," but it did not seem like a short amount of time. In fact, it was the perfect amount of time. So many people say that they dislike New Year's resolutions, but this was not a resolution. It was a challenge that offered guidelines to kick-starting the year off right. Setting weekly goals rather than year-long, ongoing goals, definitely the way to go.

How was it?
Saying that you want to "be healthier in 2014" is hard to do if you don't have a plan. So, we made a plan, and it was great! I cannot speak for all participants, but I do know that for me, it was the perfect start to 2014. I am a very competitive person--always have been and probably always will be. (Bless my sweet husband's heart.) My competitive nature kicked in, and I was determined to finish the challenge and do it well.

Was it worth it?
100% yes! I think I could speak for any human--that accomplishing something like this, you would never regret. I felt great throughout the entirety of the challenge, probably because I was eating clean and getting at least 7 hours of sleep (both requirements of the challenge.)

Best Part?
Hands down, the absolute best part of the challenge was getting back into the daily habit of being in the Word. It had become so easy for me to let this small (but huge) part of my day slip past me, because I was _________. <--Insert any excuse here. To name a few: exhausted, coaching, lazy, cooking, cleaning, busy, etc. The best part was having no excuses. Yes, it was a requirement, but very soon became the best part of my day again.

Also, I ran the half marathon during the challenge. It felt great, and I loved getting to do it with my mom.

Worst Part?
I don't know that there was a "worst part" for me. The hardest part was having the chance to work out every day. But, that was only because of my teaching/coaching/tutoring schedule, but I made it work! Because there were a total of 37 possible points, and a maximum of 33 per week, there was a little wiggle-room for missing points.

Was there a winner?
Drum roll please... yes! There was a three-way tie. Now, let me just start by saying that we were all winners, and I don't mean that in the cheesy way that it sounds, but come on, we challenged ourselves to being the best we could be in all areas of our lives for five weeks. If you complete that, my thought is, you win--no matter how many points you end up with. However, yes, there were three of us that ended the challenge with the full 180 points. And yes, I did say "us!" I was one of the three. My mom and brother also ended with full points.

Overall, the whole thing was a success. I would and absolutely will do it again. Maybe just not too soon :)

My dad hosted "Closing Ceremonies" for all participants, and he took all of us to Brennan's of Houston and had made a reservation for us to sit back in the kitchen. It was one of the coolest things I have ever gotten to do, and the cooks were all so nice and excited. We were served six courses of delicious cuisine! For the last course, dessert, they brought out nine desserts for us to pass around the table. It was the perfect ending to our challenge.

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