
DIY | Mirror & Patio Furniture Makeover

Annie Sloan is my girl. She does it again. At least, her chalk paint does. This past weekend, Matt and I made a quick trip to the bay house to see my mom for her birthday/Mother's Day. We were there less than 24 hours, but we packed in a whole lot of fun--crawfish boil, beach trip, and some family time--my kind of weekend. While we were there, my mom gave me an old mirror than she had planned on selling in a garage sale or just throwing away, but I saw potential. Matt doubted, but I was obsessed, and pleaded with him to let me bring it home. He obliged, and we hauled the extremely heavy 3' x 4'  wood-framed mirror. He's the best.

If you missed my first Annie Sloan post, here is a furniture makeover that teaches you how to use the paint. The best part--no stripping anything. You just start painting. This mirror was no different. The only preparation I needed to to for the mirror was use painter's tape to line the edges of the mirror.
After that very little preparation, it it time to paint. If you missed the first Annie Sloan post, here is what I was using...
First, paint the color on. No stripping, no sanding, no nothing!
After the paint is on and dry, it's time for the wax. Clear wax goes on first. It is painted on just like the paint color. Once the clear wax is on, dab the dark wax onto small sections at a time, and then take an old rag and wipe away what you just dabbed, leaving behind some residue from the dark wax--making the distressed look you are going for. 

After it was dry and time to hang, we realized how heavy this mirror was and that we needed some special hardware to hang it on the wall. A quick run to Home Depot, and we were back at it. Matt helped me hang it, and he even showed me a new trick. When you are having to dig into your wall, hold a wet paper towel underneath where you are digging, so that none of the dry wall powder gets on your furniture, floor, etc. 

Once the hardware was safely and securely in the wall, it was time to hang the mirror!

Below is the finished project. It was the perfect addition to our little guest room/office.
Another project we tackled this weekend was re-painting our patio furniture. It needed a little makeover. We bought some black [outdoor] spray paint and went to town. Here is a before and after.

I will leave you with one last picture. I am always on morning potty duty for Avery. Matt does night time. Here was our morning this beautiful wet Tuesday morning. 
Happy Tuesday, y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Love your idea's and how to work it out! You should make to sell! thnx
    Have a Blessed Week!
