2014 was a big year. So many fun things happened this year, and I loved getting to look back and re-live many of these moments. So here's to bringing 2014 to a close...
On the 19th, my mom and I ran the Aramco Houston
Half-Marathon. This was my third half-marathon and by far my favorite one I've ever run. I loved sharing this experience with my mom.
Matt and I enjoyed a mini Texas road trip and
vacation. We went to my favorite resort, The Hill Country Hyatt and celebrated Valentine's Day there and then in Austin.
On the 14th, we celebrated
Pi Day at school. Being a 7th Grade math teacher definitely has its fun days! And this was one of them.
For Spring Break, we took our first trip to the
East Coast. We visited Thomas Jefferson's house, Monticello while we were there.
March also brought
Rodeo season! One of my closest friends joined our Mutton Bustin' committee this year which made it even more fun.
We took a little weekend vacation to
Boston to celebrate our 2nd Anniversary. It was Matt's first time there, so we did all things Boston tourist- Freedom Trail, cannolis, Red Sox game, etc.
Bayhouse trips galore! I feel like we were in Galveston pretty much every weekend in May. Mom's birthday, Mother's Day, Memorial Day...
Summer Softball. Matt and my brother, Chase, have been playing in a summer league for at least three years. Avery loves watching her daddy play ball.
We spent the
Fourth of July at the bayhouse in Galveston. Matt and I took on a little project to help celebrate the 4th!
We participated in Mission 1:8 with our Sunday School class. We helped put on a small Vacation Bible School for some refugees, most of which had never heard about Jesus before.
My roommates from college and I had a reunion weekend. It is so rare that we are all together, so we took advantage of the time we had together.
On the 1st, we celebrated the wedding of our friends, the Debayles, and we got to spend time with some of our favorite people.
The weekend before school started, we visited Matt's family in Fort Worth.
On the 24th, many of our students gathered for See You at the Pole. I will never forget listening to their sweet voices singing songs of praise to our Heavenly Father at the flag pole of our public middle school.
The fall brought Aggie football season, so we traveled to College Station for tailgates quite a bit throughout October and November.
Since I can't post pictures of my sweet athletes, here's a selfie of me before our big volleyball tournament, in which my team won 1st place!
On the 4th, we made our voices heard by voting in the midterm election.
In the week before Thanksgiving, we took advantage of my time off of school, and we traveled to
Washington D. C. for the first time. We loved it!
On the 21st, my grandparents got
baptized in the same church I grew up in.
We spent
Christmas traveling around Texas and visiting all of our family :)
It was such a great year. I cannot believe it is now over. We learned so many things this year, especially me. I am constantly working on trying to be the best wife I can be to Matt. I have learned to be patient with God, that things are perfect in His time. I have been continually reminded of how abundantly blessed we are. God is so good! I know He has really big plans for 2015. I can just feel it. I pray that we continue to keep Him at the center of our marriage and trust Him in all things, and I pray that we cherish time we get to spend with family and friends.
Here's to 2015!