
Things Kids Say

49 days in, ladies and gentlemen. I officially consider it not the beginning of the school year anymore.

I have learned, in my ~3.272 years of experience, kids are inquisitive honest. Sometimes, kids are too inquisitive honest. I've never experienced more of this from children than this year.

"Mrs. Bormann, why are your earrings so weird?"

"Mrs. Bormann, the zipper on your shirt is too big."

"Mrs. Bormann, why did you cut your hair? I liked it better long."

I remember judging taking note of one of my HS science teacher's clothes one year. He seemed to cycle through the same shirts very often. Too often, I thought at the time. I apologize for doing that. Poor guy, he was just trying to keep it simple.

A couple of weeks ago, one of the best "things kids say" moments happened. I will not be able to do the moment justice, but I am going to give it a try.

A student in my last class of the day likes to write notes on my white board to my 1st period for the following day. One Tuesday afternoon, right before the end-of-school bell rang, she began writing her note to my 1st period for the following morning, "Happy Wensday!" When I saw it, I tried to enunciate the word for her, "WED-NES-DAY," in an attempt to remind her it is spelled differently than most people say it, to which, she responded, "huh?" I said to her, "remember, it's actually spelled, "WED-NES-DAY," sounding it out again. So, she proceded to fix the spelling. I began working on something else, partially forgetting what had just happened, when she says, "Mrs. Bormann... [looking puzzled] ... when did they change it?"

... "sweet girl, they haven't."

Happy Monday, my friends! 

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