
Baby, It's Cold Outside

Although it is not yet Christmas, it is still cold outside, which I LOVE! I mostly love it because my favorite clothes are cold-weather clothes. I am a big fan of layers. I love all clothing that comes along with coldness--coats, jackets, scarves, hats, boots, etc.

We had a really great weekend with this really cold weather. Friday night, we were invited to a Tacky Christmas Party by some of our friends from our Sunday School class. It was absolutely hilarious! The host and hostess were extremely gracious and so sweet to have us. It was my first time to try egg-nog, and it was awesome. What made the party even more tacky is that it was held before Thanksgiving. Theirs was the only house in the whole neighborhood with Christmas lights. Here we are dressed in our homemade tacky sweaters...
Saturday, I slept in until 9:15am!!! I cannot even remember the last time that happened. It was glorious. What made it even more sweet was that when I came meandering out of my slumber, I realized that hubs had been up and cleaning for about an hour and a half. He's the greatest. I made the bed, and that's about all I helped with. Then, I met my mom to shop and go to lunch. And later that day, we all went to my parents' house to watch the Aggie Football game in which we ran out of time... Matt and I finished the night by shopping for some new furniture, because we are moving in mid-December! Goodbye little one-bedroom!

Today, after church, we made some furniture purchases that I am really excited about! Our new place will have a second room that we are going to use as an office/guest bedroom. We went back and forth on whether to buy a new couch, pull-out couch, bed, etc. and we finally decided on a BEAUTIFUL daybed from PB. It's from the Raleigh collection, which I love. I hope I can decorate it as pretty as PB did. We also bought a new rug for our new hardwood floor-ed living room. Also from PB. The catalog pictures are below...

The weekend was completed with our first Starbucks of the season. They even gave Avery a "puppy-latte." She LOVED it!! What a diva. I guess she takes after her momma.
I hope you had a great weekend as well! Stay warm, and get excited for Thanksgiving [and Thanksgiving break]!!! Am I right, teachers??

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