
Hello, Spring!

Have you seen this pin? A friend of mine showed it to me and wanted to replicate it, because it is 1) super cute, and 2) selling for $99. I got everything for this wreath on sale (40% off, plus my 15% teacher discount at Michaels) for $22.80. And I actually ended up with one too many apple blossom stems. Here's how to DIY...

What You'll Need:
-Twig Wreath- whatever size you like best (I think mine is a 14")
-Wooden Letter- to match your last name, not mine :)
-2 Hydrangeas- any colors (picking these out took me the longest) I went back and forth on which color(s) I wanted to do, but I love how it turned out. The original one on Pinterest has two green hydrangeas, but I was happy I added more color to it
-1 Apple Blossom stem- I had bought two, but I only used one and I still have one small stem from the first one that I didn't use. If you want yours to have more apple blossoms, then go with 2!
-1-2 Hanging fillers- or other greenery; I was wanting a more airy look, so I went with something lighter. There were four stems on the one filler I got, and I ended up using the whole thing, two on top, two on bottom.
-Hot Glue Gun- this is not included in the $22.80, but if you don't have one, now is the time to invest! 

Steps to make your very own:
1. Cut your hydrangea off of their stem, so that you have only about 2 inches left of the stem
2. Place the left over stem into the twig wreath where you want the hydrangea placed; repeat with second hydrangea.
*NO hot glue yet, just in case you change your mind on anything--my rule is to get everything placed and hot glue at the very end!
3. Then, take your filler, and cut each stem off.
4. Stick the end of the filler into the twigs, underneath your hydrangea, and repeat until you are happy with filler.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for your apple blossoms (or other small, spring flowers). The stems you cut from these are a little smaller than the filler, so it will take more. 
6. Go back and fill in any spots you think need more, just sticking stems into the twigs. 
7. Place your wooden letter where you feel that it should go, across from your arrangement. 
8. Hot glue. Wherever you think something could/will fall out/off without it, add some hot glue on the twigs beneath it, and hold the flowers there for a few seconds, and it should stick! As for the wooden letter, hot glue worked for me (so far), but it may need more reinforcing later. 

It's amazing what you can do with a twig wreath, faux flowers, and a hot glue gun. Happy Spring DIY-ing!

Any DIY projects in the works for you this spring??
Let me know if you try this one! 

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