However, summers definitely have their perks. One of those perks is vacation. Anniversary-wine-country-Sonoma-California vacation. We got to enjoy nine days of that vacation at the end of June. The first part of our California vacation was actually what we like to call a "work-cation." Matt worked during the day, and I got to play! Here is a picture of all of our luggage--now picture the two of us walking through airports and hotels with all of it. Hopefully you got a good laugh, because we definitely did.
We flew into Los Angeles, but we were off as soon as we left the airport. First stop, Long Beach. After walking around for a while, Matt had a lunch meeting and needed our car, so being the math/science teacher that I am, I decided to spend a few hours at the Aquarium of the Pacific. In true teacher fashion, I asked if there was a teacher's discount (because hey, we are newlyweds) and there was! I loved this place. I would definitely go back, and I would suggest it to anyone in the area. I drained pretty much my entire phone battery taking pictures and videos.

We spent the next two days and nights in Bakersfield. If you have ever been there, you know there is not much to do in Bakersfield, but we enjoyed seeing two movies while we were there. However, by far the most exciting thing that happened to us was that we got a flat tire our first night there after coming out of Movie #1. Good news is that my hubby is extra manly and changed it within about 10 minutes of us even realizing it.
Our next stop was Santa Barbara, well Carpinteria. After unloading our luggage at our hotel, we went into Santa Barbara and shopped til we dropped, went to the wharf for dinner, and then walked on the beach.

On our last day of the "work" part of our vacation, I got to enjoy a coffee date in the morning with a great friend from college, Kaitlyn. It was so great to see her, and I loved getting to catch up! While Matt was at meetings that day, I walked around and found a cute little place called Crushcakes, and got lunch and cupcakes for our road trip to Sonoma that afternoon!
Anniversary Trip, Part II coming soon...
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