Where my teachers at?? Are you ready for August? I know I am! Looking for an easy Back-to-School project? Here's an easy one. Have you seen this on Pinterest? I think it is supposed to be a teacher's gift, but I liked it and wanted one of my own, so I made one. The link on Pinterest takes you to a page that no longer exists, so instead of trying to find a tutorial, I decided it looked easy enough to just do myself. So I did. And it was!
What you will need:
*Empty aluminum can (cleaned)
*Unsharpened pencils (I used 42 of them)
*Hot glue gun
*Floral foam
Steps to make your very own:
1. Lay all the pencils out, take the first one and put hot glue EITHER directly on the pencil (which I found to work better) OR directly on the can (but make sure you have a very steady hand and can make a straight line).

2. Press and hold pencil down on can until glue is dry. (FYI: Be generous with the hot glue, because you don't want these pencils falling off.)
3. Continue hot glueing each pencil around the can until you have no empty spaces.
4. Take the floral foam you have and put it into the can. You can also do this in the beginning- I just chose to wait.

5. Put the flowers that you have inside your vase.
6. Tie the ribbon you have around the pencils. You can even put a dab of hot glue to keep the ribbon in place.
Teachers, I hope you are enjoying your last few weeks before going back to school!
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