
P90X Days 8-17 | Memorial Day

Before I talk about this past weekend, let's talk P90X. Today I completed Day 17 of P90X, and I am proud to say that I am still as motivated and committed as I was on Day 1.

Here is what I did on Days 8-17:
Day 8: Kenpo X, Ab Ripper X
Day 9: Chest and Back
Day 10: Plyometrics
Day 11: Shoulders and Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 12: Yoga X
Day 13: Legs and Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 14: Rest
Day 15: Kenpo X
Day 16: Chest and Back
Day 17: Plyometrics

There are a few things I have already learned about myself throughout this process, even after only two and a half weeks:

  • One thing that I have realized from this challenge to myself is that I have not been drinking enough water. I had to make that adjustment immediately. Every day, but especially when you are exercising regularly, water is an essential part of your diet
  • Another thing that I have learned is that you would rather have "quality over quantity" in your work-outs. Upper body strength was not something I ever worked on heavily. Even in high school, as a softball pitcher, your strength comes from your legs. It has to, or you will throw out your arm. Needless to say, upper body strength/arm strength is something that I lack. The Chest and Back work-out is a variation of different push-up routines and pull-up routines. This work-out kicks my butt, but I love it. And through this work-out, I have come to realize that it is much more important to execute each exercise correctly (quality) than to rush through repetitions without focusing on form (quantity). 

Now on to Memorial Day Weekend...
Y'all. Three day weekend. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. We headed to Galveston as soon as we could on Friday after work. A mini-vacation was exactly what we needed. Although, it was a little bit of a tease, since it seemed like summer, but it is not summer yet.

It is also very easy to forget why we have this holiday. I am forever grateful for all of the men and women who have served/are serving our country. They deserve way more than one day of remembrance. Thank you!

Like I said above, we went to Galveston for the weekend with my family. It was a wonderful and relaxing long weekend full of beaching, boating, sunning, eating, and laughing.
Saturday, we went out on the boat and fished and then spent the day at the beach. We took it pretty easy. Then on Sunday we blew up the big float for lounging in the canal (pictured above). And then we took the boat out to go tubing (pictured below). Look at hubs, such a stud.

[Let's get something straight real quick--I do not take risks. I do not like water that I cannot see through. I cannot see through Galveston water.]

Okay- so we took the boat out tubing. As you can see, I was pressured/forced onto the tube with the one other person in the family that is just as petrified of risks as I am, my Mom. I guess we know who I take after. This is us right before our ride (on which we told my dad that he was not allowed to let us fall off). I think I may have even threatened that if he knocked me off, I would be crying when I got back into the boat.



As much as I would NOT like to admit, we survived and were fine. We faced our fears, and we were not knocked into the water (where who-knows-what lives).

That evening, we introduced the family to Kuub. It is a great yard game that does not require much skill, because no one is really wonderful at it (or everyone is), but nonetheless, it is fun.

After a big dinner, we had fully intended on teaching my sister how to play 42 (dominoes), but being a competitive family, she and my brother started building towers with the dominoes, and here is what happened...
I have a video on my phone of this tower tumbling to the floor right after this picture was taken, but we won't post that. 

This morning, the fun-filled weekend came to a close. We cleaned up and packed up and headed home. My favorite part about the trip home is that Avery acts like a dog for about the first 15 minutes of the car ride with her head out the window with wind in her hair, and then crashes, crawls up into the front seat, and acts like a little baby. I love it. 

Although I was able to fit P90X into our vacation, I still ate like I was on vacation. My dad assured me it was allowed. However, I went to the grocery store today for this week's meals, and there will be some healthy eating over at the Bormann house this week. For you, that means there will be some healthy recipes coming your way! 

Or at least healthier! Be on the look out for this one coming soon. This was dinner tonight! Hubs loved it, and so did I!

How was your Memorial Day Weekend?
Are you getting your body beach-ready?
Let's do it together!

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